Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I try not to get too sappy on my blog, but if there was any day to be sappy, today would be it.

I got laid off this afternoon. It didn't come as a surprise, but it was a relief. I've known that it would not be an "if" situation, but a "when" situation for months, which has been very draining mentally.

I've gone through several emotions today: relieved, nervous, crazy crying wreck, manic, happy, sad, etc.. However, as I sit here tonight, thinking about everything that's gone on today, the only word that comes to mind is "blessed".

I am so blessed. Blessed to have worked with such good people who taught me so much both personally and professionally. Blessed when those same people have nothing but encouraging things to say and who threaten to hunt me down because I didn't come by their office to say goodbye. Blessed to have such supportive friends and family who will listen to me try to be rational through the tears. Blessed that the Lord has given me a positive attitude that is beyond my understanding. Blessed.


Marin said...

I'm sorry chica! You know, if you need to get away for a bit and forget about things, we do have a spare room you could use for a couple of days.

Lizzy said...


and your lefthandedness, and your snort, and your karenisms, and your diet coke addiction with good ice, and your blind date stories, and...you get the point! we love ya!

Megan said...

Way to unnecessarily freak me out. It's okay though. I still love you.