Monday, May 11, 2009

Train of Thought

I think that sometimes, to understand a post of mine, you have to understand the train of thought leading up to a post.

For instance, today, while watching The Office, they mentioned Youngstown, Ohio, which led to me thinking, "Wasn't there a band called Youngstown?", which led to Google, which led to this awesome picture, which led to sampling their music.
Seeing the picture above made me think that not all "boy bands" of the 90s were clean cut. And this made me think I kind of liked that. Then I went to YouTube where all of these awesome bands had clips from their Disney concerts. And I found the boys below. 5ive. Man, I loved these guys. Disney was so smart to repeat these concerts constantly. I was watching one of the clips tonight and could do the dance and rap right along with them. Even after 10 years. (How's that for a visual?)
I can guarantee that the picture below was my desktop background during this same time period.
This little post about my train of thought might also explain why I will be popping the 5ive CD into my car tomorrow so that I can rock out to "When the Lights Go Out" on my way to work.

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