Thursday, March 26, 2009

Adult Conversation

***Disclaimer*** While the topic might seem adult, it was also all in jest. And this whole thing is probably a whole lot funnier to me than it should be, but gosh darnit, I needed the stress relief it provided!

Tonight, as I was walking up the stairs to my room, a strange conversation started. It goes like this:

Roommate: "What is cyber sex anyway?"

Me: "It's like phone sex, but you type instead of talk." (Not that I've experienced this, just that I wasn't born yesterday)

R: "Oh. Well, aren't your hands busy?"

M: (As I fall to the floor laughing) "Really?"

Laughing on my end continues for minutes (this was the stress relief part of my day)!

Next topic:

R: "I'm really embarrassed about my blog post."

Side Note: I always know I'm in for something good when her sentences start out "Oh, it's so embarassing..." because I know she'll tell me anyway and it'll be super funny.

Me (and other roommate): "Don't be embarrassed. It's happened to us, too."

This is the point where we all talked about being kissed "right". Yes, there is a right and a wrong way. And if you don't know if you're doing it right, it's probably wrong.

And that, my friends, is your glimpse into living in a house full of single girls.


Have you ever noticed how most FedEx, UPS, etc. delivery men have nice legs? It's good to see them in shorts again.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One of Those Days

This is what I imagine I look like today. I am having one of those days where I know I'm really stressed because it's more than a dull pain in my shoulders and neck (my muscles are always really tight there anyway).

I think the stress is also making me really cranky, because all I really want to do is lock myself in a room and get the work done that I need to - sans interruptions.

Maybe I'll scream really loud in my car on the drive home and that will ease some of this. Does anyone have a better outlet for dealing with stress?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reminiscing (Again)

I'm avoiding doing my taxes, so here comes YouTube!

I miss TV from my childhood. Why, you ask? Well, I grew up on the Disney Channel. I'm pretty sure it was cooler in my day than it is now. And if you didn't think I was cheesy before, you'll know I am now, because I was still getting excited watching all these videos.

Doesn't Fergie look great in that video?

These next two videos have my biggest Mickey Mouse Club crush EVER! (Tony Lucca. Dude's hot.)

And in this one they're just so darn little! Aren't they cute? (Can you imagine me saying that in a high-pitched voice? Cause I was!)

Better Than the Movie

So, I heard that the director's commentary on the Twilight DVD was really funny, so last night my roommate and I sat down and watched it. Let me tell you, watching the movie with the commentary on is better than the actual movie! Robert Pattison's self-deprication makes it so great. I think he's got the cutest laugh when he finds his own jokes funny. The director gets kind of annoying and I honestly think she's got a majorly creepy crush on Mr. Pattinson.

Anyway, if you are looking for some entertainment and have nothing better to do, turn on the commentary and giggle along with Robert Pattinson.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vanity or Positive Affirmation?

While on my way to a seminar downtown today, a BMW Z4 came speeding down the freeway and cut into my lane, causing me to brake a little. As I looked at this speedy dude in front of me, I noticed he had vanity plates that said "Sexy Boy". My first thought was "What an arrogant little bugger!" because I don't really like vanity plates. I think they scream "Look at me! Look at me!" and I don't really like that type of attention. But maybe this gentleman needs the positive affirmation that his vanity plates bring him.

Then, I was making my way back to the freeway from the seminar, and who comes pulling on to the on-ramp but my sexy friend. We meet again! I laughed a little because he was trapped and couldn't fly ahead of everyone, but it only took him a couple of minutes to be miles ahead of me!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Early Birthday Present

A few weeks ago, I was at my parents house talking to my dad and he excitedly told me he'd ordered my birthday present. This was strange to me, because as I got to thinking about it, I realized that I don't think my dad has ever personally picked out a birthday gift for me.

Then, earlier this week, my mom called and told me that dad had gotten me a present and was really excited about giving it to me and hoped I would like it. This was really strange. He's excited, my mom's calling to tell me he's excited...what was it?

Well, when I went over for dinner tonight, my dad says to me, "Your present came in the mail." I can be patient when I want to and especially when someone is so excited to surprise me with something, so I figured I could wait the few weeks until my birthday comes. My cute dad, however, couldn't. So I got my present from him early today...see below for the exciting gift!
I'm excited to play it sometime, we previewed some of the questions today. Happy early birthday to me!

Friday, March 13, 2009

I Love Doug Ross

I haven't watched ER in a few years, but when I saw the previews that Carter was back, as were Carol and Benton, I had to watch it last night. They did not disappoint. My poor roommate was on the phone when it started and I screamed because George's name popped up in the beginning credits. ER is where my love affair with George started, although I don't know why I didn't see it during his time on The Facts of Life. Anyway, look at how great he is below. I love Doug Ross.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cravings & Giggles

I think that Chipotle puts something in their chips/salsa because I crave it on a regular basis (like right now, even though I ate similar food for dinner last night).


Hearing these two songs during my workday, thanks to the shuffle feature in iTunes.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Best Night of My Life

I don't usually consider myself a giddy person. But last night, I was giddy with excitement. I'm still giddy just thinking about this:

Seriously, this was one of the best night's of my life. When Boyz II Men came out with their "II" album, my brother and his friends went to the concert and I was really upset when he had extra tickets and wouldn't let me go. In retrospect, I was probably 11 or 12 and that was not the concert for me at that age. But last night their concert was the perfect place to be! We were on the third row behind the floor and it was just incredible!

(Pardon the camerawork, I was dancing a little. Also, just a warning: at the end, I scream a little loudly)
These gentlemen were so so so good! Not only are they talented artists, they were very engaging on stage. What a night!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Who changed clothes in their car, in the parking garage, during the middle of a work day and got done just in time for Mr. Yellow Jeep to walk out for his smoke break? Me! Good thing I'm sneaky...

Monday, March 2, 2009


I couldn't help but show off this cute picture my sis sent me today. I can only imagine the story she's telling. When you ask her a question, or she's telling a story, her eyes always veer off to the side like that. Makes you wonder if she's being completely honest...

I spent Friday night chillin' with my nephews while my brother and his wife celebrated their 10-year anniversary. As we watched a movie - one of my nephews cuddled up beside me, the other asleep on the LoveSac - I couldn't help but wonder, "Could I do this? Is this in any near future of mine?" I think I could do it, but that whole future thing is unclear right now.

Anyway, on to domesticity. When did everyone go getting all domestic on me? I'm reading posts from Marin about great homemade recipes for tortillas and salad dressing and then I see this from Mel! Don't get me wrong, I'm quite proud of everything these women are accomplishing, but it makes me feel like I'm missing a gene or something. I think the only thing domestic about me is that I like to have a clean, tidy house. And that's as far as I usually get. Sometimes I get the bug and bake something, but that's a rare occasion.

How does one get this domesticity gene? Can it be cultivated? And what motivates your cultivation?

A Dream

Last night, I had a dream about Kevin Garnett. We were hanging out and everything, it was weird. The only thing I can attribute to having KG in my dream is a Gatorade commercial. Now, this is a little long, but I couldn't find only the small portion I saw yesterday.


I am not a crier. It either takes a huge influx of irrational hormones or something really intense to make me cry. Except when it comes to this:
I cry every time I see this movie, without fail. I start to choke up when Peter goes to the play, and at least a few tears are shed by the very end. Quality movie. Glad I was able to watch it last night!