Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vanity or Positive Affirmation?

While on my way to a seminar downtown today, a BMW Z4 came speeding down the freeway and cut into my lane, causing me to brake a little. As I looked at this speedy dude in front of me, I noticed he had vanity plates that said "Sexy Boy". My first thought was "What an arrogant little bugger!" because I don't really like vanity plates. I think they scream "Look at me! Look at me!" and I don't really like that type of attention. But maybe this gentleman needs the positive affirmation that his vanity plates bring him.

Then, I was making my way back to the freeway from the seminar, and who comes pulling on to the on-ramp but my sexy friend. We meet again! I laughed a little because he was trapped and couldn't fly ahead of everyone, but it only took him a couple of minutes to be miles ahead of me!

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