Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Better Than the Movie

So, I heard that the director's commentary on the Twilight DVD was really funny, so last night my roommate and I sat down and watched it. Let me tell you, watching the movie with the commentary on is better than the actual movie! Robert Pattison's self-deprication makes it so great. I think he's got the cutest laugh when he finds his own jokes funny. The director gets kind of annoying and I honestly think she's got a majorly creepy crush on Mr. Pattinson.

Anyway, if you are looking for some entertainment and have nothing better to do, turn on the commentary and giggle along with Robert Pattinson.


Mel said...

Who owns it? I wanna watch it that way. When can we sit down and enjoy it on the big screen?

Megan said...

Thanks for the tip! And I'm glad that you're posting on your blog . . . otherwise I would have no way to know if you're actually alive.