Friday, December 19, 2008

Dear Other Drivers,

This is my sincere apology for being a nervous nellie while driving in winter storms. If you see my poor dented trunk in the distance and you get closer and closer faster than you though you would, just pass me. You'll hate going 20 miles an hour behind my sad little self while you are in your big 4x4 going along just fine. Don't hate me because I'm neurotic (there are plenty of other things you can hate me for).

Much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
I, like you, am a nervous wreck driving in the snow...even being the passenger makes me need to peee. Anyway, we have (had) a party in Happy Valley tonight, but because they have 6+ inches of snow we are rescheduling. I am so relieved I ate 4 pieces of chocolate with rapid momentum.
