Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Surprising Comments from the Peanut Gallery

I'm sitting here at my computer, needing to get some work done, but totally avoiding it because well, it's 10pm and even though I didn't really get the opportunity to get any real work done during "normal" work hours (let's be honest, I don't know what normal work hours really are), I can't will myself to think about work much more. 

The main reason for the lack of time to work is because I was in meetings from 8:30 to 2:30 today. I didn't actually sit down to my desk until 3:00pm. But to the title of my post. One of the executives of my firm is in Colorado and every week we have a "weekly review" meeting with all of the managers. Now, said executive is a New Yorker through and through. He is incredibly intimidating if you haven't had the opportunity to have a real conversation with him. Even after that, he's still intimidating because he'll call you on your crap. And it's even harder to be called out with a New York accent. 

So... (wow this is long-winded) one of the other executives is talking about how he likes information and details and gossip from the industry, because there's usually truth in gossip. To move the meeting along, one of my co-workers chimed in saying "If any of you have any gossip to report, you know where to email your information." Next thing you know, intimidating New Yorker executive, from the peanut gallery (i.e.: the phone at the conference table) says, "Well, I hear Brad and Angelina are having marital problems."

As I type this, I realize it might be for my own well-being to transition from work brain to sleep brain, rather than for your amusement. However, have you ever had someone you know always surprising you with comments you never expect to come out of their mouth? That's how I felt today.

And now, I quit work for the night. My apologies for the rambling.

Monday, July 28, 2008

This is Me

I saw this and just laughed to myself. Mostly because, well, I am this pathetic when it comes to food.
Comic Courtesy: xkcd.com (way random, sometimes very funny)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Did you get it?

Last night, my brother and sis-in-law asked me to watch their kids so they could go to the Osmonds/Tab Choir performance. I went to dinner with them first so my niece could get fed one last time and then headed home. Jeanette had mentioned there were some kids over, so when I go there, this was basically the scene...
Okay, so maybe this wasn't exactly it, because this was later in the evening, but the only difference is two of the five boys in this room were still awake when I got there.

So it was just me and Seiji and he wanted to jump on the tramp. So we went outside and he was doing tricks for me. So we jumped, Misa thought it was the funniest thing. She and I sat and watched Seiji perform and she just laughed and laughed! She certainly loves her brother. Witness us enjoying the performance.

The pictures we were taking didn't capture the true scope of Seiji's mad tramp skills, so we decided to take video. And every time after he was done with his trick, he'd ask, "Did you get it?". The video below is the best version of it. And the best representation of the cute little guy that he is.

Anyway, when we decided to take videos he told me I should show it to all of my friends at school, so friends, here you go! Did you get it?

Thursday, July 24, 2008


In the past seven days, I have seen two "superhero" movies. The first was The Dark Knight. Twice. In 36 hours. I can honestly say I'm glad I saw it twice, though. I had talked to a friend about going on Saturday, so he went ahead and bought tickets early on in the week. Then a friend bought a ticket for me to the midnight showing. I couldn't say no!

They weren't kidding with the title. It was dark. I walked out of it the first time so disturbed with my friend asking, "Are you sure you want to see that a second time?" and I honestly wasn't sure. But, with the time to process and a second shot at it, I like it. It's incredibly well acted (Heath Ledger was too creepy for his own good). The action is seriously non-stop. It's intense. I had my face covered a lot of the time.  And, hello, Christian Bale? Aaron Eckhart? How can one miss with those men in a movie? Note, don't let the kiddies see it. Nightmares will ensue (maybe even for adults).

Next up, Hancock. I've had several people tell me what a good show it is. But I haven't heard anything except for what was already in the previews - Will Smith plays a person with superpowers who does good things with a bad approach. And is a drunk. And it's got Jason Bateman, too. Now, I won't spoil the movie for those of you who will be seeing it. I didn't really know what to expect when I walked into the movie. But even with not knowing what to expect, I didn't expect what I got. It was really good. I liked that it was about connecting.  

Both movies left me leaving the theater needing to process. I enjoy movies like that.


I can't believe Mark stayed. I'm mad. Really? You had to let Will go? If only I had been home last night, maybe things would be different. That's it, I'm not dating anymore. Not if this is what's going to happen. This man is incredible and I don't get to watch him anymore. 

BTW, I really do have more of a life than TV, but honestly, who wants to hear about conference planning and making executives' lives easier? It's nothing that's super exciting, I promise.

Oh, and I'm not dramatic at all...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Doesn't Everyone Want A Man Like This?

This guy is incredible! He's got a good self esteem though...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pure Cheese

I love the show Psych. If you have a sense of humor similar to mine, you would enjoy it. I saw this promo for the new season today and about died laughing...

P.S. Grant, if you see this, the cheesy facial expressions totally remind me of you. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've seen you sing this exact song in this exact manner. Probably why I love it so much! :)

Tender Mercies

Sometimes, I think the Lord knows I need a little pick me up. Case in point, I've been a little "off" today. But I went to pick up lunch for me and my boss and when I came into the building, a gentleman was getting on the elevator that looked familiar. Want to know why? Oh, he was in the Armor of God seminary video. Anyone remember it? Cause I sure do! So, here I am, riding up the elevator, singing "With helmet in place, with shield in hand..." inside my head and doing my very best not to ask him about it or giggle out loud. This is what I call a "tender mercy". Hope you guys can recognize them in your life today!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

I wish I could dance. And not look like a dork. But I can't, so I obsess over this show in the summer. I love it. Here is one of my favorites so far this season:

And here is my favorite of all time:

Some people don't like the contemporary, cause it borders on strange sometimes, but I love the passion and strength that goes into it, even if it's a little harsh. Anyway, here's to another reality TV addiction!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

These Are My People

In late 2001, I had just broken up with a boyfriend, happened to sign on to instant messenger and talked to Marin for the first time in a while (other than random run-ins like at Off Broadway). I can't tell you how grateful I am to the Lord for that day when we began to hang out again. Because of that one little interaction on IM, I got to meet Milette. These two will forever be "my people".

Marin's here for a bunch of family things for the next few weeks and before she came in, she called so we could surprise Milette with a birthday dinner. It was SO much fun to watch Milette's reaction as Marin came into the restaurant. 

We spent the night reminiscing and catching up on all the things going on in our lives. Marin and I were talking when I dropped her off about how nice it was to have your friends that you can really be yourself with. These women know everything about me and they accept me anyway. We also discussed how nice it was to have people to be stupid with.

So girls, thanks for being my "stupid" friends! Much love!

P.S. I thought about posting a picture from St. George, but I figured I might lose you.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Dear Jason,

I've had a crush on you for a while. I know she broke your heart. Find my blog, contact me, we'll talk all about the Mormons, get married, and live happily ever after!


P.S. She was crazy to not pick you.