Monday, October 6, 2008


Last week, I took a call for one of my bosses from a wholesaler trying to come in and see him next week. When I told this guy (who totally has a "salesperson" voice) that my boss would be out of town he suggested coming by the office to see me. Whatever.

Today he called because his GPS couldn't find our street name, so I gave him directions and he says, "I was thinking of bringing a little something for you. You know, for taking time out of your schedule." What? I was getting hit on! I told him that wasn't necessary and he said that maybe he would get to know me and send me something after dropping off the information.

I think I was a disappointment to him because Mr. Salesperson Voice (with what I think are hairplugs, as well as a gold chain and chest hair sticking out of his shirt) didn't follow up on his original offer or even ask for a business card. Shucks! I feel like I'm always missing out on the winners of the world. 

Oh well. Tomorrow's another day.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Oh Yuck! Did you see on MSN's homepage the top ten place to meet people? I should see if Utah is on there...maybe this guy should have checked the page to see where his perfect mate would be (orange tan, blonde extensions, fake nails)