Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ode to High School English

While I was watching Titanic with my roommates tonight (total classic), they were trying to figure out how many people died. I remembered this lovely poem I had to write in high school about the Titanic that mentioned how many died and was pretty sure I had it laying around. My roommate loved it so much and thought the rest of the world might love it to. I was such an awesome writer in 1998, this is typed just as it was written. Enjoy!

by Karen Spencer

The night was April 14, 1912
The sea was calm and all was well
When all of the sudden I heard a large sound
I went to the deck to see what was around.

I looked to the side and to my surprise
There was a large iceberg, twice the boat's size
We seemed to have it it and I asked around
It looked to some as if we were going down.

I soon went inside to get my coat
When an officer handed me a life jacket and said, "Get off the boat"
The deck was a mess, there was chaos all around
I found my friend and she couldn't make a sound.

Over 1,500 people died that night
To see the boat sink was a terrible fright
The Titanic wasn't unsinkable, as we found out that night
I'm glad I'll never again have to see such a horrible sight.


Kim said...

The great thing about this poem is that it makes you laugh AND it makes you think . . .

Marin said...

What a profound writer you were. Why didn't you pursue this career?

Lizzy said...

I very much enjoyed the reading last night! Thanks for sharing!